this season started and i was a bit jaded by last season. i figured nothing could top last year. boy was i wrong. these dancers this year were absolutely incredible. and again, i cried. i cried almost every episode - usually when it was katie and joshua were dancing together. i mean, i'm passionate about things. and when i'm passionate, i go ALL out. so i can kind of relate. however, i can not relate at all to the passion these people have on the dance floor because simply, i can't dance like they can. they leave their hearts out there and it is brilliant.
and it gets me every time. it makes me want to stand up and scream for them. it moves my heart and my soul. it stirs something deep inside me and gives me goosebumps. this is an artform straight from god. it is true, rich, real, and deep - an expression of their souls in the form of movement.
what i can't believe about this show is the short amount of time they spend learning the dance before they perform it. most of these people are trained only in one or two styles of dance, and then they have to pick out of a hat what styles they have to learn and then perform in like a day. the best part of this season, though, was the winner (joshua) was not trained at all. he was 19 and a straight hip hop dancer. you go, joshua. and when he danced with katie, the judges were right - it was like magic on that dance floor. those two together were connected in a way i will never fully know. not romantially but straight PASSIONately. they shared the same fervor for dance and it showed every single time.
completely radical.
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