i swore, i SWORE i would never blog. 'blogging is for people who have way too much time on their hands.' 'blogging is for people who just want to rant and rave about nothing to no one.'
or so i thought.
sooooo, here i am, walking into the great wide open, blogging. and actually, i'm pretty excited about it. i have quite the short attention span, always have. so to try to keep a diary or journal, which i've attempted many times over my life, usually ends up with about 3 entries, all spaced out by about a year or so. i've tried and tried, and then i start writing and my mind wanders into some dreamscape or imaginary world and i set the pen and paper down. and don't pick it up for a year.
however, i can type like a mutha. thus, this blog. i'm still pretty ambivalent about the whole thing, though. so many options! and i tend to get a tad overwhelmed by too many options...so i'm taking it slow. but how can i get overwhelmed by such a fabulous platform to express myself, yet again?! i loooooove expressing myself! especially when i can make it all colorful and fabulous.
so welcome.
welcome to my new home for randomness - thoughts, art, ideas, rants and raves, wonderment, imagination, creativity, inspiration, craziness, and just allaround majik...