Friday, May 22, 2009

busy around the feeder

i love hummingbirds. they are so amazing to me. it's definitely feeding time and therefore, probably breeding time down here in palm desert cause they are EVERYwhere. i'll be sitting outside and hear what sounds like a small airplane right by my ear and i look to see it's a hummingbird, busily flapping his or her wings a zillion miles per hour, hovering over a small flower. they zip around, hit all the plants and flowers, then hit up the few feeders we have in the yard, then buzz off into the distance. the best part is when one is at the feeder and another one comes and tried to get in on the action, and the first one fights it and scares it off. how hilarious. and when they sit on the little feeder perch, with their teensie tiny little feet ~ to die for. it's nice to see they've figured out those perches. too bad they haven't figured out it's only sugar water. oh well, they're happy.

i did one of those stupid facebook quizzes that said my spirit animal guide whatever is the hummingbird. not that i give much credence to those stupid quizzes...but i did think it was interesting. i do get really mesmerized when i see one...and to think of how much energy those little things are giving off at any given second. i mean, you can't even distinguish one wing when they're flying, they're moving so fast. and their long pointed beaks that just slide perfectly into a flower (or feeder)...craziness. such a work of art...

allow me to (re)introduce myself

I started this blog in 2008. That’s 10 years ago. I wrote in it about 25 times, the last in 2011. It’s interesting looking back at the posts...